The Outdoor Partnership will work with clubs, schools, individuals, and specialists to increase opportunities for people in Gwynedd to achieve their potential through outdoor activities, active participation, volunteering, training, and education.

Tom Lloyd - Gwynedd Outdoor Activities Development Officer

Tomos is the Outdoor Activities Development Officer for Gwynedd. He is based within Byw’n Iach’s Partnership Unit.

You can stay up to date with what is happening in Gwynedd by following Tomos’ Facebook.

Byw'n Iach E-Bikes

Tomos is the project lead on Byw’n Iach’s E-bike programme. The programme aims to help people become, and remain active and fit through various types of delivery, from private hire, to instructor led group rides and bespoke packages for 3rd sector organisations. More information about the e-bikes programme can be found here.

Health and Wellbeing

One key thread through many projects is a focus on mental health and wellbeing. As well as establishing a social prescribing walking group in the Bangor/Caernarfon area, hundreds of children and young people across Gwynedd have had, and continue to have opportunities to participate in various outdoor activities.

Coach Education

One of the best ways of getting into outdoor activities is through your local club. We support local activity clubs with coach education for their volunteers because we know that we would be lost without the hard work and dedication so many people give by volunteering their time and energy each week.

To find out more, visit our Club Guidance page here.

Looking to get involved?

If you’d like to know more, or are an outdoor activity club that would like to get involved, please contact Tomos on

07917563754 or